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SIMPLICITY – Next best strategy

Have you ever been in that situation where you kept something somewhere and you just can’t seem to find it? You have checked every corner of the room, turn over your bed, search the whole apartment, and even scream at people around you, thinking; “someone must have taken it”. Then suddenly, you discover that what you are looking for is right there on the television shelf, staring at you (if it were human, it probably would be smiling at you). At that moment, how does that experience make you feel? Awkward, upset, angry; sometimes, you just smile and shake your head.
In life most times, the solution to the challenges we face either in our career, business or our personal lives are just right before us, actually staring at us. ‘if solutions could talk, we’d be amazed at how easy our problems can be solved’, but, as people who have been through complicated and rigorous educational systems, and work in highly dynamic and complex high-tech organisations, we tend to condition our minds to think that simplicity is not a prerequisite when optimum result is required in life.

It will amaze you to know that people whom you admire and look up to as role models, most times simply thrive on ideas, inspiration, motivation, and revelation as the case maybe. Personally, I tend to achieve the best results when I am calm and collected and I am sure a lot of people can connect to that. I have seen people who, while trying to solve a problem, muddle themselves up with facts and analysis, try to put up very complicated hypothesis, techniques and strategies; get involved in high powered brain storming sessions only to discover that the solution had always been right there, deep down in their heart, all this while. Don’t get me wrong, analysis and all, are good, but I think your first option should be to begin with yourself by tapping into your gut. Ask yourself, what is my intuition saying? Sometimes, you may get silly ideas that may sound worthless, don’t discard it too quickly, it may be more insightful and valuable than a laboured study of the situation.
My Advice is, the next time you find yourself in a crisis; either in your career, business or personal life, be calm, find a quiet spot or location, and tap into your left brain creativity corner, you will be shock at the ideas and solutions you will achieve.
Most times, the solution to our problems and challenges are in very simple enclosures around us.
I will share more on this and other stuffs in my subsequent edition.
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