· Better
together event engage students, youth s and their leader in sharing and learning process, using what they learn
in better together event to solve real life problems. They become important
citizens and productive members of the society by meeting needs through
the service project they engage in.
· By
sharing from their faith teaching and values, participants not only find their
faith deepened, they also gain appreciative understanding of other people’s
world view.
· Interfaith
understanding, relationship and cooperation is cultivated in the process of
implementing better together events and project. Developing or cultivating
understanding and relationship with someone from another faith. Ethnic or
professional background improves attitude toward the entire community making it
less likely that you will conflict / be influenced to view a whole community of
people through the action of its worst element. This is a crucial social
science insight
· Better
together event seeks to harmonize people various identities. religious
extremist seeks to separate peoples IDs and pit them against each other. The
extremist that influenced the Dec 25,2012 Catholic church bombing in Abuja
somehow convinced his foot soldier that his Muslim identity was at war with the
Christian identity and the former had to destroy the latter, what if the bomber and his group were engaged in
discussion with people from other
backgrounds on how what makes them good Christians and Muslims should also make
them good citizens of Nigeria. Perhaps he/they would have been less susceptible
to divide and destroys tactics..................
The Need for Better Together
Nigeria Project in Higher Education
Better Together
Nigeria project are events that bring youths, leaders and students from
Nigerias different faith and cultural
traditions together to better understand themselves, build benefiting with each other, develop leadership potentials
and work together towards making Nigeria a country where.
· There
is respect for faith and moral organizations
· Understanding
and benefiting relationship across faiths, ethic and social boundaries.
· Where
people of different ethnic and religions background comes together to help each
other AND
EDUCATION is defined as : activities which aim at
developing the knowledge, skill, moral values and understanding required in all
aspects of life rather than a knowledge and skill relating to only a limited
field of activity.
purpose of education is to provide conditions essential to young people and
adults to develop understanding of the traditions and ideas influencing the
society in which they live in and to enable them to make contributions to it (MANPOWER SERVICES COMMMISSION, UK, 1981:17)
Education therefore has a role to
play in Better Together Nigeria Project
POLITICS, RELIGIOUS CONFLICT and Political instability contributed a lot to
Nigeria/ns under development in the past 50years. Research and record show that
Nigerian leaders always had good development plans, and great constitution But many of these plans has not been fully
implemented because of :
1. CorruptionCon
Ethnic politics , religious misunderstanding and conflicts.
of these division and conflicts are caused by ethnic/religious/political
ideology sentiments, suspicious, misunderstanding, hatred, discrimination,
division and eventually conflicts.
stronger understanding, relationship and cooperation between young people of
all faith and social background i.e the future and today’s leaders/citizen of
Nigeria, we can only look forward to continuous ethnic, religious, hatred and
conflicts, political instability and social economic underdevelopment. But
Nigeria institutions of Higher Education are uniquely positioned to:
· Help
the students and leaders from different background(they nurture)develop
stronger understanding of the root causes of ethnic and religious conflicts in
Nigeria)by allowing spaces for better together events.
· Empower
them with the knowledge, skill, and resources to promote stronger understanding
and respect, benefiting relationship and leadership cooperation between
Nigeria’s people of various ethnic/religion and psychological background,( both
in school community and the broader society)- thereby advancing the aim of Better Together Nigeria Project :To build stronger bridges of understanding
and cooperation between young people and leaders of different faiths and social
background in Nigeria.
speaking Education can be understood as a process that prepares students and
undergraduates to navigate life’s challenges. Education stakeholders know that
students must have certain motivations, understanding and skills to be good
students and successful graduates.
Better Together Nigeria Project thinks
colleges or university stakeholders should appreciate the importance of
preparing their students or providing space where they cultivate practical skills and
knowledge required for living Better together in a multi-ethnic and religions
society like Nigeria and for leading and working better together in our
increasingly globalized world.
youths and campus environments have played roles to many positive change
efforts in the past. Education environment and youths played important role in
the introduction of gender equity rights, sex education, Christian and Islam
religious studies, democracy etc in Nigeria leading to notable success n each
of those issues. This is not by chances. It provides a suitable ground and
environment for a role in Better
Together Nigeria Project as well. If education stakeholders and students
they nurture can dedicate the same of amount of energy and resources they
dedicated to the other issues towards promoting better together ethics and
values in campuses and the broader society there is a possibility of instilling
in students and youths the next generation of leaders the culture of better together
or pluralism. Pluralism according to Diana Eck, Director of Harvard University
Pluralism Project is the active and intentional engagement of DIVERSITY towards a POSITIVE END.MODELLING how the
broader Nigerian society should manage the issues of religions/ethic diversity.
this perspective education stakeholders and students, and youths leaders should
not just acknowledge the need for coexistence and tolerance but equip youth
leaders and students from all youths and moral traditions in Nigeria to live
and work better together. This is more urgent considering the negative impact
ethnic, religious, tribal misunderstanding, hatred, division and conflict have
made on our political, spiritual and social-economic development and the
present realization that we cannot solve the problems of diversity through
military action alone but also via building grassroot understanding,
relationship and cooperation between people of different faiths ethnics social
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