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Better together Nigeria Project

B2G Nigeria Project is a GROWING number of students and youth leaders from different faiths and social backgrounds coming together and working together to apply the core values of their faith teachings through social projects that will make Nigeria Better Together.

Picture images, stories and news of intolerance, extremism, hatred and conflict in the name of religion dominate the television.

As a result, many people see religion as reasons for division and conflicts problems that government and non-government organizations are working to solve.

Others predict that such division and conflicts may lead to the split or disintegration of Nigeria by 2015 but

We Think We Are Better Together!
We believe that faiths and social organizations (in the 21st century) can build bridges of understanding, relationship and cooperation that can become stronger than the voices and acts of divisions and conflicts. And we are looking for leaders like you.Our belief and strategies are based on important social science and religious researches.

“Some people look at things the way they are and say, why? I choose to look at things the way they could be and say, why not”?

Why do so many stories this day feature young people fighting in the name of Religion? Why are not there stories of huge movement(s) of young people working together to apply the core value of their faiths.

What if we create a space where ladies and gentlemen, students and leaders from our different faiths, ethnic and social backgrounds together to better understand each other, build positive relationship with each other, develop their leadership abilities and work together to make Nigeria better.

It will not only help foster stronger understanding and relationship across Nigerian’s religious and ethnic divisions, it will also give us the opportunity to develop our leadership abilities and work together to solve some of the problems we complain of in Nigeria.

From this perspective B2G is not just a nice idea for those interested in Dialogue, BUT shifts to become a social tool for promoting unity and development.


(a)         Service and Learning Project


·        ENGAGE WITH OTHERS IN S.M.A.R.T -Conversation and relationship around your project idea/issue
·        ACT BETTER TOGETHER. Act together with interfaith youth friends to make your project idea (issue) a success.
·        LEARN FROM IT- Gather interfaith youth friends to share lessons learned from your project issue and challenges faced and be ready to make your next project better.
·        WIN BETTER TOGETHER AWARD!- Interfaith Youth friends and leaders will recognize you for all your hard work and impact with Better Together Award (Cash prizes, travels, scholarships etc)



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